SEND Support in Remote Learning
Additional support for pupils with SEND
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access Remote Learning without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:
For those with EHCPs who are at home, steps will be taken to ensure that we, where possible, provide the provision set out in their plan.
The SENDCo will be in regular contact with families of children with EHCPs and will be available to be contacted, via the office, for other children on the SEND register.
For those children with SEND accessing from home, teachers will ensure that they continue to set work appropriate for the child to meet their individual needs – this will be provided via Seesaw.
Considerations, on an individual basis, will be made about each child’s ability to access the recommended time allocation and this will be adapted in consultation with the SENDCo, teachers and parents.
In the event of prolonged absence, other strategies will be employed:
Weekly contact with the family enables the teachers to understand how each individual child is coping and these children are then discussed with the SENDCo.
Where possible, specific interventions may still be carried out remotely.
1-1 staff will keep in contact with children or set work/provide feedback to maintain relationships.
All Pupil Passports have been written and discussed with parents. Appropriate SMART targets have been set that can be supported at school and home. This allows the Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) cycle to continue through remote learning.
Additional resources such as wobble cushions, visual timetables, reward charts, word lists, access to digital interventions, advice on immersive reader technology and digital coloured overlays will be supplied, where possible, to those learning remotely.
Contact with outside agencies will continue remotely and the SENDCo will continue to co-ordinate this.