If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please call 01494 673762 and select option 1 to leave a message, clearly stating your child’s name and class with a brief description of the illness. This should be done by 9am. We ask that this is communicated verbally rather that by e-mail to ensure the message is received.
Medical Appointments
Where possible, routine medical, dental and optician appointments should be made outside of school hours. However, we realise that this is not always possible. If your child is going to be absent due to a medical appointment, please inform the class teacher in writing, via a note in your child’s book-bag, the day before the planned absence.
Other Absences
If your child is going to be absent for any reason other than illness or a medical appointment, please collect a Leave of Absence Request Form from the school office at least one month prior to the planned absence where possible. Please note, if you have a child in upper Key Stage 2 who may require time out of school to visit prospective secondary schools, you should complete a Leave of Absence Request Form prior to taking them out of school. Please note; the school is unable to authorise absences for family holidays unless in exceptional circumstances.