Inclusion and Equality of Opportunity
- Through the teaching of our PSHE Jigsaw units – Celebrating differences and Relationships
- Holding an annual Cultural and Diversity week when issues such as LGBTQ+, women’s rights, the rights of a child, racial equality and different cultures and beliefs are raised and discussed in an age appropriate way.
- Introducing a selection of diverse texts for Guided Reading sessions across all year groups; these books are shared and discussed as a class. We also have a wide selection of diverse texts both in our library and within our Reading Spines. It is important that all members of our school community see themselves reflected in print.
- Ensuring that teaching materials include images of individuals from a range of cultures.
- Celebrating key festivals in addition to those within the Christian calendar such as Diwali, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year and Eid.
- Year 1 pupils Investigating what it must be like to be blind and a visit from a guide dog and their owner in Reception.
- Visits to key places of worship for different religions