Physical Health and Wellbeing
During their time at St Marys, as part of our PE, Science and PSHE curriculum, children learn about the benefits and importance of daily exercise, good nutrition and sufficient sleep. Pupils are given the language and knowledge to understand the normal range of emotions that everyone experiences.
Teachers also talk about the steps pupils can take to protect and support their own and others’ health and wellbeing, including simple self-care techniques and personal hygiene.
To support and further this key learning within school, we also have a number of additional initiatives:
- Sports week – all children are introduced to a variety of different sports throughout the week (scootability, quidditch, skipping archery, fencing – to name a few) before competing for their House Team in our annual Sports Day.
- Sports Events – House competitions, sporting fixtures and festivals are held throughout the year offering children the chance to compete against other schools.
- ELSA – We have two fully trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants who work with different groups of children each week to develop skills such as confidence, resilience and self-esteem or focus on dealing with worries and/or differences,
- Nurture Group – we run two Nurture groups each week supporting children with friendships, communication skills and confidence.
- Wycombe Wanderers mentoring – specific small group or 1:1 social, emotional, mental health support from a trained mentor.
- Time to Talk – all children have the opportunity to talk to a trusted adult and if necessary, a regular time is scheduled each week for a catch up.
- Mindfulness – this is practiced at the start of every PSHE lesson
- Peer mentors – children in year 5 and 6 who volunteer to become peer mentors receive a full day’s training from Buckinghamshire Mind. The mentors make themselves available across all three playgrounds so that pupils can chat with them or share their worries.