SEND & Inclusion
At St Mary and All Saints, our staff and governors are passionate about ensuring the best possible education for every child and are committed to meeting the educational needs of all our pupils through the provision of challenging and exciting experiences.
We track the progress of each individual closely using our termly assessments, teacher judgement and other resources as necessary, in order to identify a particular child’s needs as early as possible.
At SMAS we are committed to developing cultures, policies and practices that are inclusive.
We have systems to identify when children have barriers affecting their learning and tailor specific interventions to enable pupils to overcome their barriers. This practice of personalising learning applies to all pupils across the learning spectrum including pupils who are identified as academically more able.
Where a child is identified as having a particular learning or behavioural need, tailored strategies are put into place to support the individual, according to the Bucks Graduated Approach Model.
Targeted support is delivered using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle and close liaison takes place with relevant external agencies such as Specialist Teacher Service, OT, SLT and our attached school EP where appropriate, to ensure that individuals receive the best possible support and expertise. Parents are involved from the outset and are kept informed of their child’s progress through regular meetings with staff. If a child has a SEND Support Plan (SSP) or Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), these plans will be written in close collaboration with the parents and child, and all stakeholders will be aware of the child’s specific targets.
The SENCo regularly reports to the Governing Body and meets termly with a named Governor with responsibility for SEND. Individual children are not referred to and confidentially is maintained at all times. The Governors are aware of the school’s priorities for spending the SEND budget with the overall aim that all children receive the support they need in order to make good progress
The Bucks SENDIAS team provide free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25 and their parents/carers and can be contacted either online at:
Via email:
Or by telephone:
01296 383 754
Further advice, support and information about SEND in Buckinghamshire (Local Offer) can be found below:
If you wish to discuss any issues or concerns around SEND, please contact the school office who will pass details on to Mrs Levin, our SENDCO. 01494 673762.
For further information please see the SEND policy