School Uniform
We want the children to be proud of being part of St Mary’s School. The school uniform supports positive behaviour and discipline. It encourages identity with, and support for, the school ethos and ensures pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome. It protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurtures cohesion between different groups of pupils. The school uniform supports effective teaching and learning. We look for parents to support the school in ensuring that children come to school appropriately dressed at all times.
The children at St Mary & All Saints CE Primary School may wear:
Winter Uniform:
White shirt / blouse and school tie
Grey tailored trousers (short or long - not jeans, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or cords) or brown skirt or pinafore
Brown V-neck jumper or cardigan (crested)
Black or brown shoes (no suede, trainers, sling-backs or boots)
Grey / white / brown socks or brown tights
Summer Uniform:
White, short-sleeve shirt / blouse and school tie
Grey tailored trousers (short or long - not jeans, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or cords) or brown skirt or pinafore
Yellow checked cotton dress
Brown V –neck jumper or cardigan (crested)
Black or brown shoes (no suede, trainers, sling-backs or boots)
Grey / white or brown socks
PE uniform:
Yellow polo shirt (crested)
Black shorts or skorts
Black plimsolls (KS1 and 2) or trainers (KS2)
Brown sweatshirts (crested) and plain brown or black tracksuit bottoms/leggings may be worn outside if it is cold
Suppliers and second-hand uniform
In order to reduce costs as far as possible to parents we have we have endeavoured to minimise the number of crested items (branded) required. Most items can be bought from any store, e.g. grey tailored trousers, white shirts / blouses, summer dresses may be bought from Tesco, Sainsburys, M and S etc. The School Shop in Beaconsfield is the official school outfitter and can supply crested items.
The school has a stock of second-hand uniform, which is sold by the PTA at the regular parents’ coffee morning. This can also be sourced directly from the school, please speak to the school office for further details. Assistance is available for parents who are experiencing difficulty with providing school uniform due to financial reasons and parents are encouraged to let the school know via the Class Teacher, the Headteacher or the office.
Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Please see our School Uniform Policy for full details in the policy section.