Curriculum Intent At St Mary and All Saints CE Primary School, we believe that writing has an important place in education and in society. It is an essential skill and the ability to write with confidence and accuracy is a tool which will support a child through life. Through our teaching of writing, we intend to impart pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals. We aim that our children understand the social functions of writing in order to use different genres of writing appropriately by considering its purpose and matching it to its audience. Furthermore, it is our intent that every child develops a progressive understanding of grammatical conventions, the way in which punctuation aids understanding and how to apply spelling rules. In addition, it is our aim that all children have a joined, legible and increasingly efficient handwriting style.
The teaching of writing within the English curriculum has been carefully considered to enable our pupils to become more confident and creative writers. We wholeheartedly embrace the National Curriculum’s expectations and are deeply committed to enhancing our students' educational journey with a strong emphasis on writing development. We aim to help our children develop these skills in the following ways:
We emphasise the close link between reading and writing, urging our students to harness their reading experiences as inspiration for their own writing endeavours. This approach fosters creative thinking and appreciation for language.
Our writing curriculum aims to enable pupils: